Olivia Cefalu

Olivia Cefalu

Brooklyn, NY

Lover of magazines and caffeinated eye creams. Send her nail art inspo on Instagram, @livcef

118 posts

How self-isolation is messing with your skin and what you can do

by Olivia Cefalu in Face

Skin feeling, well, isolated from the world? We hear ya. With quarantine and self-isolation rules having changed our lifestyles, we’re discovering how to cope when stuck indoors. This applies to your skin. With so much stress, indoor pollution, lack of sun or Vitamin D, it’s going through a...

This bar soap cleared and healed my cystic acne.

by Olivia Cefalu in Face

I’ve never read a good thing about bar soap when it comes to face washing. I cringe when people tell me they wash their face with a Dove Beauty Bar or worse, Irish Spring. Even bar soaps said to be meant for your face catch me off guard a...

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